Monday, July 21, 2008

The casual and the "extreme"

Well ladys and gentlemen let me introduce name is Hernan...but for the rest of my bloging life I shall be known to all as "chico" mainly because that's the nickname all my buddys call me by. This blog is intended to inform the casual gamer as well as the can I put it..."extreme" gamer...and also to give me something to do when I get bored.....sorta like a hobby. So how about we get to the chunky part of the gaming info life..

Now I myself am what I like to call...a casual gamer...for those of you who don't know the difference..allow me to explain. The casual gamer is the guy or girl that has a system and plays it mostly on the weekends. Although the system may be up to date they will let it be known that they didn't wait on line outside of a "gamestop" just to get the darn thing. No the casual gamer prides him or herself in knowing that they have enough self control to wait the week or two that it takes the stores to heal from the hellish assault of the "extreme" gamers who wanted that new shiny consol bad enough to wake up at 6am and wait outside of the nearest electronics store in the hope that they become the first person in the city to get the damn thing.
This brings us to the "extreme" gamer. These are the people who in a sense drive the gaming industry. They are the souls who at 4 o'clock in the morning are screaming at the monitor because they just got owned by some guy named "srgnt Spankalot" completly oblivious to the fact that the people in the room next to him are trying to rest up for that midterm exam that starts in 4 hours and 30 minutes! ...but I digres. The "extreme" gamer has no problem with annoying the peaceful denizens of lets say your local starbucks by screaming "BRAVO ATTACK...BRAVO DO YOU COPY" in the middle of a morning rush...o no. Not even if the cute girl from philosophy class was sitting not two seats over from your table would he care. But as I mentioned before these brave few are the driving force behind gaming industry. They alone will find the glitch in a game world at 12:30 that caused them to lose that epic purple sword thingy and by 12:34 written a brain splittingly detailed description so long that our english professor would have cried tears of joy. Not to mention so many strange computer gaming "lingo's" such as "pwned" I mean what the hell is long do you have to play to reach a point where u just say " I'm no longer using the lets use P.." and everybody else agrees!!!!. But I digress for you see it is this novel of a complaint that he posted up on the games main website...and I kid you not..five minutes later it got a reply....a simple apology and a notification of work in that ladys and gentlemen is what I call fast service. And so there you have it although they may get on our nerves..although they may be able to slay your entire team..with one grenade.. In "Halo" or beat you on every race track in any racing game EVER created the "extreme" gamer is a very necessary part of the gaming community giving casual gamers a reason to play that games solo campain even tho it was clearly meant to be a multiplayer game

" Thanks for reading my post and I'm very eager to hear any and all comments ill be posting atleast twice a week from now on so check back on the reguler"

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